De trobades veïnals
Recordeu, demà dissabte, 20 d'abril trobada de Blogs&Llibres (Bitácolas&Libros) a La Papa (c/ Tapioles, 12), al Poble Sec, de 19 a 21 h. Xerrarem sobre el bé i el mal.
Qui vulgui venir que porti un llibre embolicat i farem Bookcrossing
Ah , si veniu, hi ha DEURES! Cal dur un breu relat anònim (una frase, un aforisme, un microrelat) que serà llegit per algú altre i que ha de versar sobre el tema següent:
"Explica'ns algun amor secret o alguna aventura amorosa que hauries volgut tenir i no t'has atrevit a fer-la."
En fi. per venir a la Trobada no cal confirmar; veniu i llestos, però si voleu venir al sopar al Restaurant Eucaliptus (a 20 €) cal dir-ho aquí
I ja està en marxa la 12 + 1 Tongada veïnal. Que no s'aturin els relats!
12 comentaris:
Que tingueu una bona trobada, tot i que n'estic segura que ho será!!
Aferradetes per tothom!
Ens veiem a la tardeta!!!
eo, em sap greu, xò al final crec no vindré. Acabo d'arribar de metges i estic un pèl cansada.
passeu-ho molt bé
Passa res si no porto els deures fets¿? :P
El llibre si que en buscaré un
Al sopar ... uff, la butxaca està buida noi!
Una altre vegada serà
Ai, finalment no he pogut venir! :(
Al sopar no estava previst, però pensava venir a La Papa.
Paseu-ho be!!!
Va estar pro bé, oi.? Tot i la música del principi, vam riure bastant....En breu, un post
Sí, sí, va estar bé. El compartir aquestes estones és un exercici saludable i el format diferent, dinàmic i divertit. Estaria bé repetir-ho més vegades i que s'animi força gent. I sobretot, sobretot, que no coincideixi amb assajos musicals.
que tal va estar la trobada que em vaig perdre?
Aixxx ja m'hagués agradat :)
Experts believe that non-profit organizations can run efficiently as a sustainable business if the services they provide to the community, provides something back to the business that can help the enterprise grow further. This concept has been coined as creative capitalism within which a company can make profit as well as serve the society. TOMS Shoes can be considered a good example of creative capitalism. When a consumer purchases one pair of TOMS shoes, the company gives a pair of new shoes to a needy child. With a simple yet innovative One for One concept, the company has managed to make a difference along with making profit.Do you think you're trying to acquire stylish pairs of footwear? There are lots of common shoe corporations which are manufacturing classy sneakers. In fact, the best thing about these shoe brand names is they are distributing them out there at an incredibly low price. So, should you be ready to acquire a elegant pair of shoe at an affordable selling price range, browse the web and obtain the footwear of your respective choice in the favorite manufacturers like Jeffery West or Where Do They Sell Toms.[url=]Cheap Toms sale[/url] TOMS RIVER, NJ - Leading Toms River cosmetic dentist, Dr. Stan Mahan, is pleased to offer new patients free whitening for life when scheduling an appointment. All new patients can now receive free whitening for life when they schedule a new patient exam with full mouth x-ray and prophy.A popular leather that falls between calfskin and side leather in cost is kidskin which comes from young goats. This type of leather is generally used for better quality womens shoes. A common type of kidskin leather is that which we know as suede which is created by using different chemical and natural treatments. [url=]Toms Shoes[/url] Who Are TOMS Shoes? What further makes this brand even more desirable is their "One for One" charitable cause under which they donate a pair of new shoes to a child in need for a pair they sold. Therefore if you buy a pair of Toms Shoes for yourself a poor child somewhere will get a new pair of shoes as well. This social cause is getting a huge amount of support and appreciations from NGOs and Social Groups who work for needy children from all over the world. [url=]Toms Oultet Store[/url] The unique quality of Toms is its blend of design and comfort. The shoes are beautiful, stylish and can be worn anywhere and for any purpose without the slightest worry for their well being. The rubber sole and the canvas materials (for most of them) ensure that the shoes are rough and ready all the time. Ralph Lauren
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Espero que fos un èxit. Arribo un pèl tard. Salut!
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